Monday, December 7, 2009

At the Hospital...then to another

So I arrive at the hospital and they check me out, get x-rays, fill me full of pain meds, etc.

Then we get x-ray results back and find that my ankle is dislocated, my Talus is shattered, and my 5th metatarsal is broken. Greeeeeat~!!!! So the next plan of action is for them to sedate me and re-locate my ankle back into place. So we sign all the paperwork and all that good stuff and they sedate me and attempt to put my ankle back in place. I am starting to come out of sedation and they are still pulling on my foot and ankle and I am screaming and they tell me just one more minute..awwww NOOOOOOOO you are killing me!!!! They eventually stopped after what felt like a lifetime and then said Welllll we can't get it back into place.... greeeat so all that pain and pulling i felt was for NOTHING????????

So I lay around for what felt like days on end and wait and wait and wait some more when finally they come in and have decided that they are going to send me down the hill to another hospital. Soooooo I with my still dislocated ankle wrapped in cardboard I get to make a 45 minute ambulance ride down the hill. Every bump, turn, and little movement was extremely painful as my foot was still not where it belonged and was laying the wrong way. There just was not enough pain medication in the world to alleviate my pain.

After, arriving at the second hospital as they bump me and my ankle along again while being unloaded and wheeled into the ER we go thru same 500 thousand questions of what happened, are you in pain (YEEEESSSS I AM IN PAIN LOOK AT MY FLIPPIN FOOT THAT IS FACING THE WRONG FLIPPING DIRECTION), on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain?? (ITS A FREAKING 10 YOU IDIOTS MY FOOT IS NOT WHERE IT IS SUPPOSE TO BE)and many more questions that I don't recall at this time.

Soooo the Dr's there say ohhhh we are gonna sedate you and put your ankle back in place, I tell them been there tried that and it didn't work. They say ohhhh but that was at the "Other" hospital we are going to do it here we have "better" doctors and an Ortho. Soooo here we go again but this time I beg them please don't allow me to wake up before you are done pulling on my ankle cause that hurt and I can't do that again, they promised that would not happen! Soooo they were right I did not wake up in the middle but I did wake up to the news of ohhh we could NOT put your ankle back in place so we are going to have to wait and do that too surgically at the same time they fix the broken bones. Soooo still my ankle is dislocated and they are now working on getting me admitted for surgery.

I sat until Monday afternoon when they finally took me in for surgery and things are still hurting but better now that things are back where they should be. 

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