Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Nightmare Begins

Ohhhh what a weekend... It's amazing how in the blink of an eye your life can come literally to a screeching halt and be turned upside down. I was driving home from a family baby shower it was around 9:45pm and I was about a mile from home when all of a sudden I see the car that was coming towards me swerve into my lane... no drift, no correction, he just came straight AT ME and hit us head on..... I slammed on my breaks which slowed us down a bit but I am not sure how fast we were going at the time of impact but it was a pretty decent speed being as we started at approx 50MPH. There was a witness to the accident who was driving behind me who was first on the scene and called 911. She came to my truck and I was trying to locate my kids and be sure they were ok... I was calling to them and first my son started crying but answered me and I asked him are you ok?? Are you ok? I was trying not to panic or sound panicked but I was very scared he finally answered me he was ok... I called for my daughter she too was crying but answered me so I knew they were both alive at that point so I started asking them are you sure you are ok, where do you hurt, does anything hurt??? They both responded no mommy I'm ok I don't hurt anywhere. I asked are you sure.. is your head is ok? Your body feels ok? Your neck feels ok??? Your arms and legs feel ok?? They both answered yes mom its ok. They both kept asking what happened mommy, what happened? So then I was able to stop for a moment and my next panic as someone flew by the accident was that someone else was going to hit us again as we were sitting on a VERY dark road that made us difficult to see. Thankfully soon after some people got out there with flash lights and started to direct traffic and alerting people that our cars where there in the middle of the road in a mangled mess. This whole time as I sat there I was looking for my cell phone I could not find my phone I was in a panic again I NEEDED to call my boyfriend to let him know what had happened and to come quickly to come get me.. At that point someone came up to the window and started talking to me and asking how we were and how the kids were and I calmed down a bit and realized my leg was hurting and It dawned on me to turn on the interior light so I could see my kids were ok and relax myself a bit more.... So it was at that point I turned the light on and turned to look at my kids with much relief they both looked frightened but ok. Next, I looked down at my leg to see if there was blood cuz it was hurting really bad and then I noticed my foot was not sitting in the right position and I said Oh crap my leg is broken. I then went into panic again and desperately searched for my cell phone again to no avail. I finally started yelling out my window someone PLEEEEESE can I use your cell phone to call me family!!! Then a woman came and handed me her phone. I could not remember my Boyfriends phone number off hand so I called my mom who's number I knew even while freaking out and asked her to call him since he was only a few miles away. My mom of course panicked and asked how are the kids and I said fine, then she asked how are you and I said fine except my leg is broken and then my mom freaked out and I had to calm her and tell her please just call my man and get him here ASAP!!!! So she did and then called me back on that persons cell phone to let me know he was on his way....whewwww I felt a bit of relief knowing someone was on the way.

In the meantime the paramedic then came and I talked to them and told them my leg was broken and they looked down at my leg and said awwww ok.... so one fireman tried to open my drivers side door and it didn't open so they called for extrication then another came along grabbed the door and pulled with all his might and open came the door... The paramedic then got me out and onto a gurney and man was that PAINFUL!!!! Then once in the ambulance as we sat there and they cut my pants off and cut my shoe off it was much more obvious there were some NIIIICE issues with my leg. My leg was facing up and my foot was not... it was facing sideways... very creepy to look at really.

My boyfriend then showed up and both the kids were released to his custody after they were checked out and then I was off to the hospital........

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