Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Night of Bloopers

So tonight I am not sure what was the deal but it was just the worst day ever.... if anything could go wrong it DID!!!!

So I barely make it thru my day on one leg feeding horses, making dinner, doing laundry, etc and I walk (hop really) into the bathroom to get some laundry sorted and I got that all taken care of and upon my departure there must have been a wet spot on the linoleum and swwwooooopppp my crutch slides across the floor just as I put my weight on it to move forward and boom down I went... I put full weight on my cast and my bad ankle then fell forward as I heard a pop and flat on my face.... ugggg

So i try to get up and my knee on the "good" leg is sending shooting pains thru my knee and down my leg... oh NOOOO!!! I can not get up... So what does a girl do? Lay there and cry while trying to figure out how I am gonna get myself off the bathroom floor... Then after my little pitty party of " I have fallen and I can't get up!" I rolled over on my rear end and scooted my way over into the bedroom and next to the bed. There I was able to use my arms by leaning on the bed and the knee that was killing me to push myself up. I rolled myself into the bed and layed down for quite sometime. 

After laying down for a bit, I am realizing that EVERYTHING is hurting I am sore.. So my next most brilliant idea is to get in my big huge cozy bath tub and soak for awhile and just relax.. its been a long day I need to relax, I deserve it right?! So I run the water all cozy and warm, get my leg all wrapped up in the plastic bag and tied off so I keep it dry,  and get myself in the bath and I am chillin and enjoying the bubbles and what not, then it comes time I need to wash my hair... and WHAT!?!?!? my shampoo and conditioner is GONE... my daughter must have used it in the shower earlier and did not put it back.... arrgggg so freezing cold I get out of the bath now scared to death cause I am dripping wet and don't want to slip again and trying to get to the shampoo and conditioner... so I get that and all is well back to the tub to get warm and wash my hair. All done get out of the bath and mind you 99% of the time my leg is not down in the water it is propped up on the edge of the tub, and uh oh the bag over my cast has a good amount of water in it and I touch the heel of my cast and it is sticky and wet!! The entire back of my leg, my heel and bottom of foot are wet. If feels a bit wet inside of the cast under my foot as well. UGGG!!!

So per the nurses instruction when I got the cast you are suppose to use a hair dryer on a cool setting and dry it until the next morning when you can call the ortho office..... soooo in the theme of the night what happens??? The cool setting on my hair dryer is NOT working it will only blow HOT air..... ARGGGGG what else could go wrong...  :(  I used the regular hot setting to dry the cast but could not dry inside under my foot soooo a call to the doctor is in order either way but even more so now.

After I dried the cast and got rid of all the stickiness I decided that I just needed to GO TO BED!! So taking some pain meds and off to dreamland I go!

Praying for a better day tomorrow!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Got my Newest Cast

So today they pulled off the splints and I got some good pics of my incision sites along with a shiny new cast... and YES I picked purple AGAIN, hoping this one will bring a bit better luck!! Still not allow to do any weight bearing on it but it was nice to see the wounds are all looking good, dry, and no sign of infection.. WOO HOOO that is ALWAYS good news!!

 Cool hole in bottom of my foot, pulling stitches out of that area on your foot though HURTS!! Love the dotted line they drew too from bottom of my foot up towards the other incision.I believe this was cut in order to put the rod in that runs up my leg.

The picture below is the back of my ankle and the incision they made there in order to put the rod that runs parallel to my foot.
My ankle from far away and my pretty purple cast :)

Can't wait to see the x-rays and all the hardware they have installed in my leg and ankle.... will be interesting to see... gotta wait 4 weeks for that one though....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Got NEW Duds on my Leg

So, it was starting to feel inside my splint a bit like last time, feels like blisters are being rubbed inside. So I called the surgeons office and told them of my concern and my previous history of Staph infection so they said come on down this afternoon and we will check it all out. So thankfully they pulled off the splint and all is well everything seems to be healing well and no infection brewing at all. So they wrapped it up in a new splint and off I went back home. I will be back next week for my official 2 week Post Op appointment and hope that all still is going well, I think they will x-ray at that time and hope to see that all is healing and in position and doing what they want it to do! :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Surgery Day

Surgery is done, and back home now.... I have a nerve block now so not much pain really,  but a bit worried whats gonna happen as it wears off..... Time will tell :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Surgery AGAIN! Fusing my Ankle

So really I should feel blessed first off that I even have the ability to have ANOTHER surgery, second that this is actually only my 3rd one cause I have heard many people who are having 5, 15, even 20 surgeries later and still expecting more.

But, tomorrow is the BIG day for me, they will be fusing the upper and lower joints of my ankle so I will no longer have any side to side or up and down motion in my ankle. There will be rod up my leg and thru my foot essentially that form a 90 degree angle and will be locked into each other which will hold my leg in the position while the bones all grow together. They also will have to remove about a 3" section of my fibula which can also be used for grafting as needed. Oh and the screws and all the hardware that was previously put into my ankle will now be removed. I will keep the rods in my leg forever they do not go back and take those out, cool so like I will officially have a metal rod from mid leg all the way down... I am hoping to get pics of my xrays down the road to show all the details...

So Please Say your Prayers for me tomorrow!!